In the recent days, Apple iPhone and iPod Touch are covered with rumors. The biggest rumor has come in light about iPod Touch with camera feature in 2010. According to the rumor, Apple is working on iPod touch to launch a camera feature in September but now the gossips are back.
According to the inside sources, Apple had planned to launch an iPod touch with camera in September. However, the rumor didn’t face any reality. The rumor get back because there is no official evidence.
We already know that the gadget has space to add a camera feature. I think the gadget space for camera has taken a gossip as iPod touch with camera feature. However, there is no official comment on the speculation.
According to the rumor, next generation of iPod Touch will come in market with a camera feature just like iPod Nano. However, there is no surety about it. We can just wait for the decision of Apple about the rumor. In coming future, there is no proof about this rumor.
Another rumor has taken place about Apple iPhone with Verizon. According to the rumor, Apple iPhone touch screen would head to Verizon Wireless. Recently, Kent German who is the senior editor for cell phone reviews at CNET writes, “Otherwise, I think it's unlikely that Apple would produce a CDMA-only version, even for America's largest carrier. I could be wrong, but I'm not going to believe any rumors about a Verizon iPhone until I hear something from Apple and Verizon. And similarly, I'm not going to believe anything about AT&T's exclusivity until I hear it from AT&T.” Now, the thing is very clear from his writing. There is no space about the rumor also. It means Verizon iPhone rumors are just rumors only.
We can conclude the both rumors as the rumors only. There is no space and facts to believe on the both rumors about the iPod Touch and Apple iPhone.
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